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Headshot of Ashley Lanahan

Ashley Lanahan, L.Ac


“Indigo is the color of the throat chakra and the Dragon is a symbol of power and strength. These two combine as the center’s philosophy to help people find their true voice and optimal path.”

What is your field of treatment?
I am a licensed acupuncturist and have been practicing for over 12 years. My goal is to treat the area of discomfort while looking at the whole person in order to get to the root of the real issues. When I feel it is beneficial to the treatment, I combine acupuncture with hands-on care through the use of sound vibration (Acutonics), Cranio-sacral, Cupping, and Qi Gong therapy. I provide a safe and nurturing space for the patient to completely relax and drift into the parasympathetic nervous system, allowing a moment for mindfulness and presence to open the doors to healing.

Tell us about your experience working in this field…
I attended the Rocky Mountain Center for Botanical Studies – a school specializing in Western herbal medicine – from 1996-1999. My passion for natural medicine then led me to Bastyr University in Seattle where I earned a Master’s degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. I spent my final semester abroad in China practicing at Integrative Hospitals in both Shanghai and Nanjing. At Bastyr I had the opportunity to work in a variety of clinics specializing in pain management, women’s health, chronic fatigue, immunodeficiency, hospice care, and addiction recovery. After graduating I apprenticed with one of my professors at his thriving West Seattle based practice for 2 years. This apprenticeship was a vital piece to becoming the acupuncturist I am today.

I furthered my specialization in drug and alcohol detoxification and rehabilitation support with an internship at the Lincoln Recovery Center in New York City where I became certified in the NADA Five Needle Auricular protocol – a technique now practiced worldwide in the treatment of addictions and trauma recovery.

How did Indigo Dragon come to life?
Soon after I moved to Southern California I met my incredible business partner and friend, Jennifer Seine. We were drawn to this beautiful location in Leucadia and knew we could create a healing oasis that would resonate with both of our approaches to health. Eight years later and we are blessed with how many people’s lives we have had the opportunity to touch.

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