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Headshot of Ashley Lanahan

Joyce Magner



“My goal is to bring you to a relaxing, serene state as I share Reiki’s hands on healing while blending other forms of energy work to help soothe your nervous system and remove the dis-ease to bring healing to your mind, body and spirit.”

My personal life experiences have led me to work in the social service field with those with a wide range of disabilities. For over 25 years, I have helped people to realize ways to live full productive lives by seeing the possibilities not the disabilities. I am an advocate and help provide a voice for those that need to be heard. For over a decade I have provided spiritual counseling as a member of American Association of Christian Counselors. It is working with people with developmental disabilities and my own health
issues that led me to research, study and finally practicing energy work.

As a Holistic Healing Arts Practitioner and Usui Reiki Master Teacher I also practice Healing Touch and incorporate aromatherapy, essential oils, sound healing, meditation and mindfulness techniques and spiritual counseling as I create a treatment based on each individual’s needs.

I offer my clients a space to find relaxation, serenity, new-found insights, and healing for their mind, body and spirit. I also encourage my clients to be empowered in their life and do things that bring that sense of peace, relaxation, self-love, and connection they experience during their treatment into their everyday lives (like taking walks in nature, starting a meditation practice, working on releasing and forgiving, or maybe taking a Reiki course so they can learn to do self-treatments and share the love of Reiki with others.